NEWSBUSTERS PODCAST: No Media Apologies, Five Years After Covid Lockdowns.

We’ve reached the five-year anniversary of when the U.S. government locked down the country to curb the Covid pandemic. It lasted much longer than “Two weeks to stop the spread.” CBS and PBS explored the anniversary, but there were no apologies for getting so much of the “science” wrong and using the pandemic so mercilessly against Trump and Republican governors in an election year.

This wasn’t a time for the networks to reflect on everything they exaggerated or simply got wrong, from the “science” of mask mandates and six-foot separations to refusing to grant any credence to the idea that the virus came from a lab in China. Most importantly, it’s downright weird that the Left can warn of “authoritarianism” under Trump when most Americans never had their freedoms more squashed than in 2020.

Flashback to last year: Bill Maher Mercilessly Drags the Media for Being Dead Wrong About COVID.