I used to be on the other side, you know, helping to craft the State of the Union from the Democratic side of President Clinton. And we knew when we were going to make the Republicans, you know, clap with us and they would. And I just think the idea of the Democrats thinking they could sit there through this and not not kind of be part of the process.
And people not showing up at all. Look, Trump is a duly elected president in a, you know, in a joint session speech. Everybody should be there.
Everybody should be polite. They’ll get their opportunities to, you know, do their thing. And look, you know, it’s a reality that the person giving the speech has a double barreled shotgun and the person giving the response has a pop gun.
And but Trump, that was probably his best, you know, I think his best speech ever, really. And I think the emotional power of the examples and the stories that he told. And I’m looking at some of the poll numbers, you know, coming back on it was was very strong.
And the Democrats look silly and Democratic numbers are really tanking. They are at the lowest point that I have ever seen the Democratic Party since maybe, you know, the days that it lost 49 states.
When Democrats can’t even stand and applaud for the cancer kid getting a virtual Make-a-Wish moment on live TV, there’s something much deeper wrong with that party’s elected officials than just bad policy — but, God knows, there’s plenty of bad policy.