GOLDEN STATE FOLLIES: Voters here in California would like their elected leaders to do something to prevent wildfires. Behold Senate Bill 653 (introduced by Senator Dave Cortese): While the bill’s title is “Wildfire prevention: Environmentally sensitive vegetation management,” the entire text reads. “Section 1: It is the intent of the Legislature to enact subsequent legislation to define ‘environmentally sensitive vegetation management’ and to encourage the use of environmentally sensitive vegetation management practices.”
That’s it. Maybe they’ll get around to it later; right now they just wanted us to know that they’re thinking about us. Cortese sent around an email bragging about having introduced this very important … bill about wildfire prevention statement of vague intent. Not surprisingly, the email doesn’t quote the bill’s text, it only quotes the title.
Meanwhile, the California legislature is swimming in slavery reparations bills. For example, one bill would establish a “Bureau for Descendants of American Slavery.” Another would give the descendants of slaves “priority” for certain professional licenses. A third would give admissions preferences at California universitiesto descendants of slaves. There are more.
The folks in the Cal Legislature never learn. They have their priorities. But they don’t look much like the voters’ priorities.