AN IMPORTANT CALL TO ARMS: Many of the contributors and readers here are well aware (some with personal experience) that, according to Ars Technica:

The FTC issued a Request for Information (RFI) seeking public comment until May 21. “Tech platform users who have been banned, shadow banned, demonetized, or otherwise censored are encouraged to share their comments in response to the RFI,” the FTC said. “The FTC is interested in understanding how consumers—including by potentially unfair or deceptive acts or practices, or potentially unfair methods of competition—have been harmed by the policies of tech firms.”

Now, there’s a lot I disagree with in the TA report at the link, but they do a prtty good job of showing names of “the usual suspects” who want to keep demonitizing un-approved viewpoints. Thus, it is imperative that this community take advantage of the opportunity to directly tell the FTC about the acts done by Big Tech and why they don’t want any review.

And, IMHO, this particular vein is not “pro-censorship” or even touching the First Amendment. It’s economics, pure and simple, and newspapers have long been held to anti-trust law. In fact, the SCOTUS said in a famous case:

[…] A law of general applicability does not target or single out the press […] the doctrine is generally applicable to the daily transactions of all […] citizens and the First Amendment does not forbid its application to the press.

C’mon, people. Put up or shut up.