BEEGE WELBORN: USAID and the Power That Be…or Was.
The Pandora’s box that is USAID, which, now that it’s opened, keeps belching out more evidence of the malevolent, unrestricted inner workings of a rotten, subversive bureaucracy, had to have someone in charge of it for these past few years of particularly egregious anti-American spending.
And so it did – Samantha Power, who took over the agency in May of 2021.
Power also has the requisite Harvard (JD) and Yale (BA) degrees, not to mention a non-fiction Pulitzer.She’s like a progressive cyborg, no?
Notice what I highlighted – Power, with all that unaccountable money at her disposal, was also on Biden’s National Security Council, making sure that USAID would be playing an ‘important role’ in things including geopolitical issues.
Scary AF.
Where were the Democrats screaming about ‘unelected bureaucrats’ then?
Feeding off their largess, of course.