The Trump Administration has grasped the first rule of politics better than any Republican president in modern times: always be on offense. Reagan was always at his best when he was on the attack against liberalism, and always at his worst when, as too frequently happened under the advice and pressure of his conventional functionaries like David Gergen and Mike Deaver, he or his spokespeople were defensive in response to Democratic and liberal media attacks.
Trump never plays defense. Yesterday he issued a proclamation of Black History Month, and note who he singles out for recognition:
Thomas Sowell and Justice Thomas are always conspicuous by their absence in every liberal notice of blacks or black history in America. I believe it is still true that the National Museum of African-American History on the Mall in Washington contains not a single mention of Thomas. It hardly needs restating that for the left—and our cultural elites—you are not “authentically black” unless you are a leftist.
Related: Ted Cruz urges Trump to award presidential medal of freedom to prominent economist Thomas Sowell.
Mr Cruz made this plea to Mr Trump with his “this is a very good idea” response to a post by popular black conservative figure Larry Elder, calling on the U.S. president to bestow the highest civilian award on Mr Sowell, 94, while he is still alive.
“The Great Thomas Sowell is 94. There is still time for President Trump to award Professor Sowell the Presidential Medal of Freedom!!!” Mr Cruz said in the post.
Faster, please!