GREAT MOMENTS IN MAGICAL THINKING: Law professor lauds Biden’s ‘carefully considered’ decision on Equal Rights Amendment.

As noted by CNN, the amendment was passed by Congress in 1972, but during the individual state ratification process (38 states need to approve), the amendment “sat stagnant for decades” and its deadline came and went.

During that time five states withdrew their ratifications.

Virginia was the final state to ratify the amendment in 2020, which occurred almost 40 years after the ratification deadline set by Congress.

According to the Associated Press, “Democrats and activists have long pressed to consider the amendment as ratified,” but President Biden waited until three days before he leaves office to act on it.

Georgetown Law School posted a congratulatory message Friday on X regarding Professor Victoria Nourse — for “her decades of hard work advocating on behalf of women’s rights and the Equal Rights Amendment which Pres. Biden this morning said should be considered the law of the land.”

In a letter dated January 16, Nourse (pictured) wrote “Throughout his career in public office, Joe Biden has honored his oath to uphold the Constitution and defend the rights of women. President Biden’s carefully considered decision to recognize the Equal Rights Amendment’s status as the 28th Amendment to the Constitution brings the White House in line with the legal academy and profession.”

Two questions: Will we ever know the name of the 25-year-old social media intern in the White House who tweeted that out under Biden’s name? And more importantly: