MOVIE THEATER EMPLOYEES AGAINST MOVIES: Alamo Drafthouse Workers Seek to Cancel September 5.

A new petition with roughly 1,000 signatures hopes to cancel the film at the Alamo Drafthouse’s Brooklyn location. The chain runs three theaters in New York City.


September 5 is yet another attempt by the Western media to push its imperialist and racist agenda, manufacturing consent for the continued genocide and cultural decimation of Palestine and its peoples….We, NYC Alamo United, wholeheartedly condemn the Alamo’s willingness to profit off of the genocide of Palestine.

The cancellation attempt is hardly surprising. The modern Left routinely tries to censor art that doesn’t align with its worldview. Modern film festivals also steer clear of controversial topics in recent months.

This is worse on a few levels.

One, the petition features 101 signatures from NYC Alamo United, a union tied to the theater in question. They’ve brazenly trumpeted the petition on X, demanding their employer bend the knee.

When Netflix employees got the vapors over Dave Chappelle in 2022, the company’s CEO had to remind them, “We’re programming for a lot of diverse people who have different opinions and different tastes and different styles…If you find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you.” Alamo employees should receive a similar reminder.

On the other hand, I thought the trailers for September 5 looked intriguing this fall. I appreciate Alamo employees further recommending the movie to me.