JIM TREACHER: Adolf Hitler Endorses Kamala Harris! “In a stunning turn of events, Adolf Hitler has endorsed Democratic Party presidential candidate Kamala Harris.”

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And after you’re understandably creeped out by them, as Treacher cautions, “Hey, don’t yell at me. She’s the one who dragged that guy into it! If you had told me 20 years ago that one day, Dick Cheney and his daughter would endorse a Democrat who says the Republican nominee is Hitler…”

I’m so old, I can remember when the left were painting toothbrush mustaches on Cheney himself; he’s the last guy I thought would have Stockholm Syndrome, but here we are as this election is about to enter its last week. Curiously, a decade ago, his daughter was doing the same to Obama, so perhaps this analogy is getting a bit played out:

Liz Cheney compared herself to “Winston Churchill standing up to [Adolf] Hitler” on Tuesday night when declaring her opposition to American airstrikes in Syria — the latest in a series of Liz-Cheney-thinking-rather-highly-of-Liz-Cheney moments. She was speaking to about 150 Tea Party members when she rejected President Obama’s call to strike Syria, calling his national security policy “amateurish.” It seems Obama is Hitler in this scenario. We might note that more often, Obama has been compared to another British politician, Neville Chamberlain, who appeased Hitler.

Played out — who am I kidding? Back to today, where the House of Stephanopoulos is predictably going full Godwin:

And Hillary accidentally throws Bill right under the bus:

Welcome to the last 75 years of American politics, where everybody gets to be Hitler for 15 minutes, before being reformed as a wise elder statesman when the next Hitler comes along.

Incidentally, Worst. Hitler. Ever: Holocaust survivor denounces Kamala Harris for boosting Trump-Hitler comparisons, says ex-prez is ‘a mensch.’

UPDATE: Hillary also threw herself under the bus! Trump campaign slams Hillary Clinton for ‘hypocrisy’ with NYC Nazi rally comparison. “Clinton was honored through a ‘Tribute to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’ at [Madison Square Garden] in January 2001, archived White House records show. The event was held just days after she was sworn in as a U.S. senator.”