CHRISTIAN TOTO: Carlos Mencia: The Anti-Woke Warrior We Need.

You might assume a Latino comic would trash Donald Trump, his big, beautiful Wall or both.

If the comedian is Carlos Mencia, you couldn’t be more wrong.

Trump barely came up during Mencia’s epic set at Denver’s Comedy Works Friday. Instead, he summoned the unironic spirit of “Team America: World Police.”

“America … f*** yeah!”

The show, the second of two from the “Mind of Mencia” alum that day, found him defending the nation against its angry critics.

What other country has people trashing it 24/7 but never leaving? We have obese poor people and complain about the slightest indignities. Meanwhile, citizens from other nations endure life-or-death hardships.

To paraphrase fellow comic “Yakof Smirnoff” – “what a country!”

This wasn’t empty rhetoric or an attempt to woo Red State USA. It flowed from the comic organically, buttressed by insightful punch lines.

Mencia also raged against Cancel Culture (without name-checking the cultural scourge), begging audiences to laugh about our differences. That unites us, and we’re all the same at the end of the day.

This wasn’t Colbert-level clapter or a TED Talk masquerading as stand-up. You might not hear a funnier set this year than what Mencia uncorked.

Great to hear, especially when Jerry Seinfeld has been crumbling recently under the left’s unending pressure: That’s a Shame: The Woke Left Finally Got to Jerry Seinfeld.