‘WHEN HITLER ISN’T BAD ENOUGH!’ The Atlantic Ups Dictator Ante to Sound Alarm About Trump:

When it comes to the alarmist rhetoric from Democrat, the media and self-described anti-Trump “Republicans” who now only support Democrats, a lesson that should have been learned is “don’t peak too soon.”

Trump was laughably framed as “Hitler” and then “worse than Hitler” years ago, but now that the Republican nominee is leading in most (if not all) swing state polls with the election coming up quickly, something bigger is needed.

The Atlantic has served up another doozy for an emergency “when Hitler isn’t bad enough”:

“Trump’s worse than every dictator ever combined, and then some!”

Applebaum wrote Gulag: A History in 2003, so she knows how badly she’s gaslighting her readers, but then, as Christine Rosen wrote in Commentary, reading the Atlantic these days “is like being a therapist whose severely anxious patient flops on the couch and delivers a monologue about the tortures of his daily life.”

But hey, you know who’s even worse then Trump? Scratch ‘Joy,’ Time to Push Fear: The Hill Claims J.D. Vance Is Even Worse Than Donald Trump:

But every Republican president or presidential candidate is Hitler, until he’s rehabilitated, given a new suit, allowed to leave the bunker, and treated as a wise elder statesman by the DNC-MSM to attack the latest Hitler.