SEN. JOHN KENNEDY: It’s the 4th anniversary of the biggest lie the Biden-Harris administration ever told. It’s only gotten worse.

Three weeks before the 2020 election, the New York Post published its first article on the contents of Mr. Biden’s laptop. The report featured an email in which one of Mr. Biden’s business partners mentioned a meeting with President Biden. President Biden had denied meeting with Hunter Biden’s business associates while on the campaign trail.

Photographs later proved that President Biden had met with one of Hunter Biden’s business partners. In fact, everything on his laptop was authentic—and the FBI, members of the Biden-Harris campaign team and Hunter Biden himself knew it all along. Instead of squarely addressing the content of the laptop and telling the American people the truth, the Biden-Harris campaign developed an elaborate scheme to mislead voters just three weeks before the presidential election by pretending the laptop was Russian disinformation.

The American people understand it is not uncommon for political campaigns to spin negative stories, but this went far beyond spin. It was a lie.

Before the New York Post had even published its reporting, the FBI began to pressure Twitter and Facebook to suppress the story. Facebook restricted posts that linked to the story to ensure fewer people saw the content. Twitter completely banned links to the report and shut down the New York Post’s Twitter account entirely. The Post’s account remained censored for 16 days.


Poll: Majority of Americans Say Big Tech Censorship of Hunter Laptop Story Interfered With Election.

The ‘cabal’ that bragged of foisting Joe Biden on us must answer for his failed presidency.

● Finally, return with us to the crazy week that the Post’s laptop story broke and this banger of an exchange: