BORDER CZAR TO FINALLY VISIT BORDER: Harris to visit Arizona border town to highlight immigration plan.

Vice President Kamala Harris will visit the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona this week, her campaign announced Wednesday as she desperately tries to flip the script on what’s been a persistent political weakness.

Ms. Harris is scheduled to visit the border town of Douglas in the key swing state of Arizona on Friday. She will give a speech on immigration, though campaign officials did not reveal any details about the trip.

Ms. Harris last visited the border when she traveled to El Paso, Texas in 2021 as she faced pressure over the increasing number of immigrants crossing the southern border into the U.S. The trip was scheduled after Ms. Harris was widely criticized for dismissing calls to travel to the border during an NBC news interview.

The lack of visits to the border is somewhat surprising since President Biden had tasked her with overseeing the root causes of immigration, which led to her being called the “border czar.”

Polls show that former President Donald Trump has a significant advantage with voters on the issue of illegal immigration and border security. A massive influx of immigrants shattered records as millions crossed the border each year under Mr. Biden’s watch.

Crises by design:

● Jared Bernstein, member of Biden’s Council of Economic Advisors: “One thing we learned in the 1990s was that a surefire way to reconnect the fortunes of working people at all skill levels, immigrant and native-born alike, to the growing economy is to let the job market tighten up. A tight job market pressures employers to boost wage offers to get and keep the workers they need. One equally surefire way to sort-circuit this useful dynamic is to turn on the immigrant spigot every time some group’s wages go up.”

● Former Trump administration senior adviser Stephen Miller: Biden’s Immigration Plan Would “Erase America’s Nationhood.”

“Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser. Labour threw open Britain’s borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a ‘truly multicultural’ country, a former Government adviser has revealed.”

Tom Cotton’s Response to Kamala Harris’ Border Failures Should Be the Default for All Republicans: “‘You know, Laura, Kamala Harris didn’t have to go all the way to Guatemala and Mexico to find the root causes of this border crisis because they’re not there,’ Cotton told Fox News host Laura Ingraham [in June of 2021]. ‘The root causes are in the White House.’ He further explained that it ‘happened on January 20th when Joe Biden took office, and he essentially opened our borders, reversing very effective policies that had our borders under control.’”