GREAT MOMENTS IN LEFTIST BOTCHED JOKES: In the Wake of Second Attempted Trump Shooting, a Video Emerges of Kamala Making a Sick Joke.


Olbermann was discussing the election with Newsweek‘s Howard Fineman, a frequent guest. They topic was, how can a winner finally be determined in this never-ending Democratic race for the nomination? Of course, the assumption was that it was Clinton that should be shown the door (despite clearly still earning her spot in the race thanks to, um, voters). Fineman said that, all the delegate math aside, ultimately it was going to take “some adults somewhere in the Democratic party to step in and stop this thing, like a referee in a fight that could go on for thirty rounds. Those are the super, super, super delegates who are going to have to decide this.”

Said Olbermann: “Right. Somebody who can take her into a room and only he comes out.”

“Keith Olbermann’s Idea For Beating Hillary: Literally Beating Hillary,” The Huffington Post, May 2nd, 2008.