TIM GRAHAM: Jake Tapper and Jeffrey Goldberg, Good Buddies Who Hate Trump.

In Tapper’s latest Goldberg interview, they discussed John McCain’s son Jim endorsing Kamala Harris. Goldberg implied that’s how John McCain would have voted this year.

Then they decried Trump visiting Arlington Cemetery with grieving Gold Star families and filming the visit. Neither man acknowledged uncomfortable truths, such as John McCain filming a campaign advertisement at Arlington, not to mention the professional photographs Joe Biden had taken there.

All this gave Goldberg the license to repeat his magazine’s most hostile Donald Trump stories: “He obviously, very famously got out of Vietnam. He equally famously has referred to people who get killed on behalf of the country as suckers and losers.”

Goldberg mused to Rosenthal that social media is a “vast unregulated experiment,” but no one regulates Goldberg for repeating claims for which he has no evidence – nothing recorded, just claimed. Many people around Trump said it never happened.

Tapper then asked why Trump-hating generals like Milley and Mattis won’t openly come out for Harris. “The military is apolitical,” claimed Goldberg without giggling. Because soon he admitted that generals “let it be known, through journalists and other means, what happened inside the White House in Donald Trump’s first term.”

“The military is apolitical,” except when they leak to anti-Trump news outlets about how horrible Trump is. Which makes them political, especially the staying-anonymous part. They’re about as apolitical as Goldberg and Tapper.

Related: Scoop: Generals come to Harris’ defense on Afghanistan.

To be fair, all generals love a good parade: Taliban parade US military vehicles, weapons to celebrate 3 years in power, AP reports.

I imagine it was quite a lengthy parade: Millions of Dollars, Classified Information, and Biometric Data: Inside What the Biden-Harris Admin Left Behind in Afghanistan.

Flashback: Harris says she had key role in Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal decision. The vice president confirmed she was the last person in the room before Biden made the decision to move forward with withdrawing U.S. troops.