THE BEEB: BBC breaches its own editorial guidelines 1,500 times over Israel-Hamas war.

The research analyzed four months of the BBC’s output across television, radio, online news, podcasts, and social media. Additionally, a team of around 20 lawyers and 20 data scientists contributed to the research and analyzed nine million words of BBC output using artificial intelligence (AI), The Telegraph added.

The research found that there was a “deeply worrying pattern of bias against Israel” and that Israel was associated with genocide 14 times more than the Hamas terror group was throughout the analyzed BBC coverage.

The total number of BBC editorial breaches, including impartiality, accuracy, editorial values, and public interest, was 1,553.
Further findings from the research included the BBC’s repeated downplaying of Hamas terrorism. Conversely, Israel was presented as a “militaristic and aggressive nation” by the BBC, the report said.

When 1,500 mistakes all run in the same direction, they aren’t mistakes.