THAT WAS THE WEEK THAT WAS: Kamala Closes an Already Disastrous Week by Trashing Gold Star Families.

On three different occasions, the open border/outlaw private insurance/defund the police/free healthcare for illegal aliens/ban fracking/San Francisco radical stupidly told the world, “My values haven’t changed.” Within hours, the now firing-on-all-cylinders Trump campaign used that statement to launch one devastating meme after another.

Those stupid words will haunt her straight through to November.

Above all, Kamala stepped right into the Trump campaign’s narrative that she cannot handle the pressure of going off-script.

And then, on Saturday afternoon, came the big finale…

Kamala Trashes 13 Gold Star Families

Kamala’s insanely stupid and cruel Saturday afternoon tweet accusing 13 Gold Star families of agreeing to act as props so Trump could politicize the death of their loved one was unquestionably the act of a desperate campaign panicking over internal poll numbers and hoping to change the narrative on the Sunday shows away from her disastrous CNN interview.

In the history of unforced presidential campaign errors, this one’s a doozy…

That tweet is the act of a drowning campaign looking for any kind of life preserver.

Kamala has bragged about being the “last one in the room” when the calamitous decision was made to surrender Afghanistan to terrorists before all of our people and billions of dollars in weaponry had been removed. That’s why these 13 men and women died.

Worse still, according to these 13 families, neither Biden nor Kamala has ever reached out in any way to them, not even to offer their condolences. We all know why. These 13 heroes died needlessly due to Biden’s and Kamala’s dreadful judgment and now Kamala wants their inconvenient memory forgotten, memory-holed, and discarded.

As John Hinderaker writes, “If the Democrats were smart, they would avoid like the plague any reference to Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. It was universally, and correctly, seen as a debacle, and the Afghanistan fiasco precipitated a drop in Biden’s approval ratings from which he never recovered. Normal observers see that the current controversy was stirred up by the Democrats in hopes of political gain. The controversy, kept alive by Democrats, mostly serves to remind voters of one of the Biden/Harris administration’s worst failures, and to tie that failure more securely to Kamala Harris. So in my opinion the Democrats’ attacks on Trump for his Arlington visit constitute political malpractice. We can only hope that they keep it up.”


UPDATE: Woman Who Got Soldiers Killed Condemns Man Who Comforted Their Families.

Once again, the Babylon Bee is doing straight-up reportage today.