WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE FROM THE LEFT? Oil Tanker Attacked by Houthis Is at Risk of Leaking in Red Sea.

The Suezmax tanker—the largest size that can transit the canal when laden—had taken on cargo in Iraq, and its final destination was Europe, brokers said. It is one of dozens of commercial ships that risk traversing the Suez route each day despite ongoing threats from the Houthis.

The extent of the damage to the vessel isn’t known because efforts by salvage teams to reach it have been stymied by the Houthis, according to U.S. and United Nations officials.

“Sounion now sits immobilized in the Red Sea, where it is on fire and appears to be leaking oil, presenting both a navigational hazard and a potential environmental catastrophe,” Gen. Pat Ryder, a Pentagon spokesman, said late Tuesday.

The Biden-Harris administration is notably silent, too.