WELL, HE SHOULD: John Fetterman Has No Regrets.

In the months following October 7, Fetterman has become the bête noire of progressive activists who have booed him outside the Capitol; descended on his home in Braddock, Pennsylvania; and who have demonstrated outside his Philadelphia office every Friday for months chanting, “Let Gaza live,” and “Cease-fire now.” Online they call him “Genocide John.”

In his conversation with Peter, Fetterman insisted none of this bothered him. But apparently they bother a member of his staff.

After his interview with the senator, Peter’s phone rang. It was Fetterman’s communications director, Carrie Adams, who wanted to make clear that she doesn’t agree with her boss on Israel and Gaza.

“I have a sense that his international views are a lot less nuanced than my generation, because when he was growing up, it was might makes right, and for my generation and younger who, of course, are the ones protesting this, they have a much more nuanced view of the region,” said the 30-something Adams of the 55-year-old senator.

It was an astonishing moment. As Peter writes, “I’ve been a reporter since the summer of 1998, when I covered Bill Clinton’s trip to Martha’s Vineyard for the Vineyard Gazette. This was the first time I’d ever encountered anyone—on Capitol Hill or anywhere else, on the record, off the record, on background, whatever—criticizing ‘the principal.’”

Fetterman should regret hiring Adams and express it by firing her.