DOWNLOAD IT WHILE IT’S HOT: The Hewlett Foundation has spent over $100 million trying to create an ideological movement to counteract “neoliberalism,” a word that, on the left, seems to mean “anything not socialist that we don’t like.” In the legal academy, the Foundation’s funding has gone to something called the Law and Political Economy Project, based at Yale Law School. I eviscerate the project’s underlying assumptions and ideological conceits in a new article. One point I’d like to particularly emphasize is that while the authors bemoan a decline in government spending and regulation that never happened, blaming it for a rise in inequality, they say not a word about the breakdown of the traditional two-parent family, especially among among American with less wealth and formal education. If you purport to be concerned with inequality but focus on, say, antitrust enforcement rather than the 40% out of wedlock birthrate, much higher among the poor and working class, you are doing it wrong.