QUESTION ASKED AND ANSWERED: The Atlantic: Golly, Why Are Kamala’s Politics So Hard to Pin Down?

First, let’s assess [David] Graham’s weak-tea attempt at a false equivalency in his parenthetical: “though Trump’s own platform is not exactly heavy on policy details either”. Trump actually has a platform page on his campaign website, unlike Harris, and a 16-page “white paper” explaining the details of his 20-point agenda. Maybe Graham’s too bored or too shattered by all of the GOP “seizing” to click onto the Trump website and check his facts. And, of course, we have four years of Trump’s presidency to assess his policies and positions.

What does Harris have? She’s been vice president for almost four years. Her party anointed her as the nominee three weeks ago. Kamala Harris ran on a progressive platform in California for the Senate and in 2019 for the presidential nomination, so she’s had years to develop her positions on all of the issues in play. Is she such an empty suit that she couldn’t put together a platform within the first couple of days of the campaign? If so, why did Democrats rush to anoint her?

Why aren’t reporters asking these questions, rather than just observing the “seizing”? Because the answer to why Harris is hard to pin down isn’t Republicans who pounce — it’s reporters and media outlets who refuse to do their jobs.

Such as asking about this incredible flip-flop: Before Kamala Harris Copied Trump’s Pledge To Scrap The Tip Tax, Biden-Harris Admin Moved To Enforce Tip Taxation.