GREAT MOMENTS IN “CALIBRATING HER POLICY PITCHES:” Kamala and Fracking — Can She Successfully Pull Off The “Trust Me, I’m Lying” Gambit?

Unfortunately, Pennsylvania is a must-win state for Kamala, and it has an oil boom going on. Promising to kill off all those high-paying, blue collar, oilfield jobs is a winning message in San Franciso and Boston, but it doesn’t play so well in western Pennsylvania. So Kamala is trying the always difficult “Trust me, I’m lying” approach, hoping she can fool the blue-collar voters in Pennsylvania, while also hoping her radical left-wing base knows she is just lying to get elected, and that they’ll still vote for her despite Kamala now being on the record as pro-fracking.

“Harris courts swing voters with fracking reversal” [The Hill – 8/01/2024]

Vice President Harris has reversed her position on fracking, signaling a move to the center on the issue. The rightward shift comes as she tries to court swing voters in states like Pennsylvania.

As with all of her flip-flops, the media will be eager to let proceed forward, unburdened by what has been.