WIPE IT, LIKE WITH A CLOTH, OR SOMETHING? LOL-Now We Know Why They’re Hiding Her! Kamala Harris Asked to Explain Cloud Storage and Woof (Watch).

Kamala Harris is being hidden away, much like Joe Biden was. What makes this even worse for our pals on the Left is they at least had an excuse with Biden and could claim his age was the main issue when it came to answering questions or speaking without a teleprompter.

They can’t do that with Kamala because she’s only 60.

And her inability to answer a question without sounding like a drunk high schooler has nothing to do with her age and everything to do with her incompetence. For example, she tried to explain how the Cloud works …

No, really. She did.


No, it’s not some sort of deep fake AI manipulation – the original can be found on YouTube, at the 33:40 mark of her conversation at Google in 2010.

UPDATE: America’s Newspaper of Record reports: Kamala Harris Spends Flight Looking For Cloud Where Her Data Is Stored.

(Classical reference in headline.)