QUESTION ASKED AND ANSWERED: Touré Asks What White American Culture Is.

I’m not sure what Touré [Neblett] does now. He had his own show on MSNBC before they gave the axe to a number of shows featuring blacks. Now he sits around and wonders what white culture is. Didn’t he rush to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History & Culture’s exhibit on “whiteness” and white culture? That pretty well spelled it out. According to the Smithsonian, white culture is characterized by individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, progress, respect for authority, delayed gratification, and more. One of the stated goals in Black Lives Matter’s manifesto was to “disrupt” the nuclear family.

Flashback for those who missed this classic moral panic from everybody’s favorite annus horribilis, the year 2020: After backlash, the Smithsonian removes that chart breaking down ‘whiteness and white culture’ in the US.

Click to enlarge.

The chart may be gone, but, the message from the Smithsonian still stands, Byron York wrote in July of 2020: “Minus the chart, the ‘whiteness’ page on the museum’s website remains the same, including a video from another diversity consultant, Robin DiAngelo, author of the bestseller White Fragility. It includes a discussion of ‘white dominant culture’ without the specific references to individualism, hard work, objectivity, etc., that the chart included.”