• All people who say that violent acts are only committed by conservatives are idiots.
  • All people who say that violent acts are only committed by progressives are idiots.
  • All people who use the words “all” or “only” are idiots.

This was inspired by dinner with some deep blue Democrats (the People’s Republic of Montclair) in which it was a “given” that conservatives are prone to violence. Rather than get into it and bring up “mostly peaceful” arson, I noticed this article from Just The News the next day.

“Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., said that on Thursday both of her daughters’ houses were “swatted,” or targeted by fake emergency calls.”

Swatting is not a joke or prank. It is designed to send an amped-up police force expecting gunfire into an unsuspecting person’s home, hoping some policeman shoots someone.