MORE ON HUNGER: Catallarchy’s Matt McIntosh directs me to a post on Cindy Sheehan’s hunger strike:

After all, if Sheehan is on a “hunger strike” there must be a sliding scale of increasing food intake. The first five ranks:

(100) The UN Food Aid Recipient :: You eat nothing, at least nothing resembling food. You may stave off hunger using sand or copious amounts of brackish, untreated water. No one notices you but a few missionaries but, sadly, the Bible proves to not be a source of nutrition. Too bad the rest of this list is probably pushing for policies that place you in unbreakable poverty and protests the removal of regimes that divert your food to their armies and cronies.

(90) The Devil Eats Nada :: You eat nothing, but what a fashionable nothing it is! You’ve got a t-shirt designed by a hot fashion house that declares your allegiance to saving pandas/the rainforest/face/whatever and unlike your deprived brethren awaiting UN food aid, you’ve got a high dollar bottle of purified water at all times. Far from donating the savings from foregone meals, you’ve invested in a high definition plasma display. Unfortunately, you’re going to need every protestor buck and then some to pay back society, you consumer whore.

Which reminded me of the time, way back in March of 2002, I threatened to go on a hunger strike to protest the fact that Jonathan Last hadn’t mentioned me in one of his articles:

Well, I’ll show Last. I’m going on a fast until I’m mentioned in his column. But since it might be a long fast, and I don’t want to contribute to the perpetuation of the White Male Power Structure with my early demise, I’ll still be eating enough calories to maintain life. At a healthy weight, I mean. In fact, some people who haven’t been radically empowered might call it more of a reducing diet. Or just “eating right”. But you can bet your copy of The Feminist’s Guide to Saving the Earth that not one piece of Auntie Em’s Organic Coffee Cake will pass these lips until this weblog appears at the Weekly Standard Online.

Hey! Do you think this means Cindy Sheehan reads my blog?