IN OTHER NEWS, HUNDREDS OF THOUSAND OF ARABS KILLED IN ONGOING YEMEN CIVIL WAR, FOUR MILLION DISPLACED: Various news report suggest 150,00 killed directly, 300,000 indirectly by disease, famine, etc. brought about by war, and four million refugees.

As with Assad’s brutal war in Syria a few years back, the “Arab Street” has been almost entirely silent about this. Apparently, deaths from war only become meaningful when you can hold Israel responsible, whether it’s true or not, and regardless of who started the hostilities.

Why would that be? The most obvious answer is the most logical one. The “Arab Street” cares little about the welfare of Palestinians, or of other Arabs more generally. They just hate Israel, because Israel is run by Jews, and their religion, history, and culture tell them that Jews are supposed to be dominated by Arabs and Muslims, and it’s humiliating when instead the Jews turn out to be more powerful than their Arab enemies.

And of course leftists don’t care either, because Arab victims don’t interest them unless some Western-oriented country can be blamed.

UPDATE: If you’re interested in the latest on the Yemen situation, check out StrategyPage.