MY SLIGHTLY CONTRARIAN VIEW: The lovely and talented Ed Driscoll posted a Red State take about a CNN talking head getting killed by Rep. Matt Gaetz.

To be sure, there is a not-unwarranted schadenfreude when CNN and the other DNC stenographers get busted so easily for being so wrong on something so simple to check. But allow me to propose a different view:

No doubt, the talking head (or her producer, more likely) got it wrong (Gaetz voted for the bill twice).

But to her credit, Ms. Phillip utters the three most important words a journalist can ever say: “I stand corrected.” (Note also that Gaetz was very gentlemanly about it.)

One of the dirtiest little secrets in media and media law (and I ought to know) is the overwhelming hubris they display when fact-checked, digging in their heels and insisting they are right. It took The New York Times a week to correct the slander that George W. Bush “served a plastic turkey” as a photo-op to US troops in the Middle East. And a wide swath of Democrats still believe it.

So, gentle reader, I propose that while Ms. Phillip (and/or her producer) are hopeless amateurs, I see some ray of sunshine in her admitting she was wrong and upon that basis, having no reason to continue the interview, given that its premise was faulty.


**Updated with correct name spelling. Thnx, IP readers!**