THEY WANT US TO KEEP VOTING UNTIL WE GET IT RIGHT: Yesterday afternoon, the California Assembly passed ACA7. For those of you who haven’t been following my posts, ACA7 is the latest attempt to destroy Prop 209–the 1996 initiative that prohibited the State of California from engaging in preferential treatment on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin.
Three years ago, with Prop 16, our esteemed legislature tried to get voters to repeal Prop 209. They failed in that effort big time. Now the Assembly wants voters to adopt an “exception” that will swallow the rule. If the California Senate concurs (32 Dems, 8 Reps), the issue will go on the ballot.
I was struck by the “argument” put forth by Assemblyman Corey Jackson in favor of ACA7: ” [T]here is no room for respectfully disagreeing on this issue. There is no room for decorum when it comes to the very existence and atonement of my people.”