BIDEN ADMINISTRATION BOTCHING THEIR KATRINA MOMENT BADLY: Karine Jean-Pierre’s Maui Fire Comments Devolve Into an Embarrassing Mess of Incompetence.

Nothing says “we care” about those suffering like the White House not even knowing the names of both senators from Hawaii, and in the case of Sen. Mazie Hirono, not even knowing she’s a woman. By no means am I a fan of Hirono as I think she’s one of the worst politicians in America (and certainly one of the most vapid), but calling her a man is a bit harsh. Jean-Pierre’s flubs make it seem like she did zero leg work, and in turn, that makes it seem as if the administration isn’t taking the situation seriously. Rather, it’s just an inconvenient speed bump in the middle of the president’s current vacation schedule.

Honestly, how hard is it to double-check one’s briefing notes before giving a statement to ensure proper pronunciation given the sensitive nature of the topic? Apparently, it’s as hard as Joe Biden answering a question about the Maui fire without appearing like a cold-hearted sociopath. This administration certainly has its characters, and none of them are especially good at their jobs. That’s been a running theme for a White House which campaigned on putting the “adults back in the room.” If these are the adults, then let’s reinstate the daycare.

What is even the strategy here? Is Biden this uncontrollable and his comms department this incompetent? Or is the White House full of people that are so arrogant that they don’t even worry about optics anymore? It’s probably a bit of both when you consider all angles.

They know the DNC-MSM will ignore all of their gaffes, including Biden’s aloof and wildly inappropriate “no comment” line when asked about the Maui fire, and they know that Hawaii is a reliably Democrat state at election time, so why even bother trying?