PRISON STORIES: ‘Maddison’ Hall.

For decades, and in multiple countries, imprisoned men have been placed in the women’s prison estate because they have claimed to be women. This has been justified under the guise of compassion for such men, and, we have been told that they are too vulnerable to remain housed with other men.

The following series “Prison Stories” will look at individual cases, the nature of some of these men’s crimes, and at any of the known consequences, to women, of their transfers into female prisons. It will challenge the narrative of particular vulnerability.

Sometimes, I will focus on the cases of men who claim to be women, in prisons, but who have not yet been transferred. As more, and more, countries cede ground to the idea of prioritising gender identity over biological sex, and more organisations adopt Self-ID, this larger pool of men are the potential future cellmates of all female prisoners.

If, and when, they are released, these men will also be granted access to every space designated for women in our society.

The following stories will show that many women prisoners have already been hurt, and essentially thrown to the wolves, because of “gender identity”. Some of the facts presented are, necessarily, distressing.

Much more at the link.