ELIZABETH STAUFFER: Unlike the Trump indictments, the case against Biden is straightforward.

The average American understands bribery, greed, and lies, concepts that are as old as mankind.


The straightforwardness of the Biden family’s influence peddling operation makes it easy for all but the most rabid Democrats to understand.

Indeed. Read her entire post.

FROM THE COMMENTS: I was impressed with Stauffer’s post and began wondering about Insta-reader reaction. Glad I did. Context: I recall commenting on a couple of Insta-reader comments seven or eight years ago. Googling fact-checkers, check it out. Which leads to this reader comment. I think this comment expresses the media-legal situation succinctly and with the Watergate reference provides relevant historical context: “In the Trump case, vast amounts of resources are needed to “prove” ephemera. Joe Biden’s former allies, like Devon Archer, are at a late-Watergate stage of confession. Only the presence of a man with less legal objectivity than Roland Freisler, aka Merrick Garland, is keeping the Biden regime away from major criminal investigations.” Congrats to the commenter. Garland is a corrupt actor and among fact-based historians will likely go down as one of the worst attorney generals in American history — vying with Eric Holder and Mitchell Palmer. But in the “worst AGs” evaluation I defer to legal historians like Glenn.