MORE BLOWBACK FROM 2020’s CRAZINESS: Mom Who Let Child Play at a Park Finally Removed From Unfit Parent Registry.
The appeal by Sarra (whose full name is being withheld to protect her identity) was handled by the Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) and the Goldwater Institute, two nonprofit organizations that help defend individual rights. They argued that Arizona’s actions were unconstitutional.
“But instead of responding to this brief, DCS decided to just permanently remove Sarra’s name from the list,” says Adi Dynar, an attorney at the PLF. “We suspect they didn’t want this kind of ruling on the books, because that affects the other 81,000 names.”
Perhaps the state thought it was better to lose one battle than to deal with an army of parents demanding justice.
The case against Sarra was this: In November 2020, as COVID-19 raged, she let her son and his friend, age 5, play at the park while she shopped for a Thanksgiving turkey.
This seemed prudent. The grocery was asking shoppers not to bring in kids, and the park was one that Sarra had played in herself as a child, about five blocks from the store. What’s more, a friend happened to be teaching a tai chi class there. After about 20 minutes, the friend called Sarra about a police officer who was talking to her son.
When Sarra arrived at the park, the officer told her that she had committed negligence by leaving the kids alone, even for a short length of time in a safe, public place.
Earlier: They got covid 100% wrong.