HOW DOES IT FEEL? Sound of Freedom Sends a Rolling Stone Writer Into Fits of Rage.

I haven’t even seen Sound of Freedom yet, but I’m already convinced I need to based on the absolute hysteria emanating from the left.

As I reported yesterday, The Guardian set off the parade of stupidity by tying the movie, which is based on a true story, to QAnon. Does the movie mention QAnon, Hillary Clinton, Pizzagate, or anything of the sort? Not even a little bit. Rather, it’s just a story about saving a girl from human traffickers in South America.

Admittedly, I severely underestimated how triggering that would be for some people, and now a reviewer from Rolling Stone is having a “hold my beer” moment.

We’ll start with his actual article, but the continuation of his freakout happens elsewhere.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results:

Exit question: