MY LITTLE TOWN: Monument pushes back against Polis’ plan for more affordable housing.

The plan was introduced in the State Senate two weeks ago and allows the state to control more zoning laws and holds local governments to a statewide land-use standard.

Governor Polis thinks that more density and availability is the way to fix the affordable housing issue in Colorado, but not everybody agrees.

In Monument, the mayor says this is a ‘one size fits all’ plan that doesn’t fit his town.

Monument Mayor Mitch LaKind and the six members of the town council are not on board with the high-density zoning plan laid out by Governor Polis.

“The increased density that would be allowed if this were to pass would be catastrophic to Monument’s culture,” LaKind said.

LaKind and Mayor pro-tem Steve King believe Monument’s current infrastructure can’t handle more people. They say that there are not enough roads, water, parking, or schools to accommodate an increase in population.

“There is no affordability mechanism in this bill,” King adds.

That’s because takeovers like this one aren’t about affordability. They’re about the left’s war on suburban and exurban life in general, and single-family dwellings in particular.