GEORGE MF WASHINGTON: When the Bad Guys Became the Good Guys.

Here in 2023, everyone knows that Richard Nixon resigned because he engaged in a massive cover-up of his administration’s involvement in the Watergate break-in, a story revealed by the reporting of Washington Post reporters Bob Woodard and Carl Bernstein. But to watch ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN is to understand that in 1972 the connection between the break-in and the Nixon Government was never obvious, that the outcome of the story was by no means assured. In the beginning, Woodward and Bernstein didn’t have any idea what they had. They started with a weird penny-ante crime story and slowly and methodically followed it all the way to the White House. The result was a best-selling book and one of the greatest movies ever made.

Now compare that with the way our Media Coporations and Big Tech handled the Hunter Biden laptop story. No honest broker would suggest that the details revealed by the release of the laptop’s contents were any less suggestive of massive governmental corruption than was the initial fact pattern surrounding the Watergate break-in. Quite the contrary… the laptop arrived in the Media’s collective in-box with all the dots already connected. But we all know in our hearts that there will never be a big budget studio movie about The Hunter Biden laptop featuring an ensemble of the biggest movie stars of our time, no matter where that story leads.

Because the Bad Guys have become the Good Guys.

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