JOHN NOLTE: Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street Review: Portrait of Another Spectacular Government Failure.

Madoff’s family, who knew nothing about his crimes, were also victims, and with the help of the vicious media, Madoff annihilated that family. He also annihilated countless families guilty of nothing more than working hard and following the rules. The Monster of Wall Street doesn’t forget them.

If there’s a takeaway from this fascinating and tragic story, it’s that our government sucks. It’s all so broken, so corrupt that for two decades, a world-famous man said he was investing billions of dollars, didn’t invest even one red cent, and got away with it. Even after a portfolio manager named Harry Markopolos laid it all out for them on some five occasions, the SEC let Madoff get away with it.

The federal government has one job — to protect our rights. From Madoff to the wide-open southern border, we can all see how that’s working out. 

Flashback: Reminder: Bernie Madoff Donated Mostly to Democrats.

As did most of the people who trusted Madoff with their money.