NEW FRONTIERS IN KREMLINOLOGY: Here’s How to Know What’s Really Happening on Election Night.

The above is not a rosy scenario. But if the following is happening, then the red team is having a nice night:

  • Rachel Maddow is taking off her glasses and wiping her eyes a lot.
  • PolitiFact is reported to be rehiring the 500 fact-checkers who were laid off after Biden won the presidency and Democrats won the Senate.
  • CBS’s election panel breaks into inconsolable weeping at 11 p.m.
  • Workmen are seen in the Capitol parking lot painting this on the curb in front of the Senate committee hearing room: “This Space Reserved for Secretary Mayorkas.” (Hat tip to Rep. Steve Scalise.)
  • Pundits on CNN’s election-night panel are saying the phrase “a bipartisan spirit is needed in Congress now” a lot.
  • Hunter Biden is seen boarding a flight to Brunei, which has no extradition treaty with the U.S.
  • CBS is going to commercial breaks and coming out of commercial breaks to strains of Mozart’s Requiem.
  • Pundits on all networks are repeating the line “now we’ll see if they can govern.”

Heh. Read the whole thing.