PJ MEDIA VIP ROUNDUP: Don’t forget that VODKAPUNDIT promo code if you’ve been thinking of joining us.

Matt Margolis: The Democrats Have Something Sinister Planned After the Midterms. “The Justice Department has been working with various left-wing voting rights groups in secret meetings, so something is definitely up, and it doesn’t look good.”

Megan Fox: Missouri Health Department Launches Suspicious ‘Investigation’ Into Hospital That Refused to Perform Medical Emergency Abortion. “No one in the media who reported the scary story quoted the law accurately, nor did they reach out to anyone in Missouri who could refute the claim.”

Yours Truly: THE REAL SUICIDE OF THE WEST: The Hottest Jobs in Teaching Are All Woke. “Every single one of these positions is designed to do one thing: Generate class after graduating class of purple-haired, nose-ring wearers of indeterminate gender with a special hatred of the society wealthy enough to fritter itself away creating such useless creatures.”