DISPATCHES FROM WEIMAR AMERICA: Twerkin’ Tiara, Democratic Superstar. Rhode Island state senator gives us much to think about concerning who we shun, and who praise, in our society.

Why do I link all these things together? (“You’re just nuuuuuuutpicking, you awful right-winger!”) Because to be in the Democratic Party, and to be in an institution run by the values of the Left (e.g., UCLA), is to be hostage to these people and the moral insanity they represent. We are supposed to turn away from the violence committed by sacred minorities. We are supposed to applaud that Twerkin’ Tiara supports pleasure-based, queer-inclusive sex education for kids, and if we find her butt-shaking undignified, well, that just goes to show how racist we are. We’re supposed to rejoice that that well-educated lunatic Brinton wears ladies clothes to his government job, and thinks he’s defending queer youth by praising prostitution.

Read the whole thing.