THE MARK OF A TRUE CONSERVATIVE OR LIBERTARIAN: The willingness to listen to other views. Here’s a link to a blog post from a law professor friend of mine (Josh Silverstein) at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. He’s pro-choice and yes, almost always votes Democrat, but he’s living proof that not all Democrats are bat-shit crazy people interested in “geometric equity” or “racial disparities in chlorophyll synthesis of house plants.” Here’s his not-unhinged take on the Dobbs decision:
“I will add that neither pro-lifers nor pro-choicers are hypocritical when it comes to abortion vis-à-vis their other moral views. For example, pro-lifers are often accused of hypocrisy because they oppose abortion rights but support the death penalty. But that position is easy to justify: guilty criminals have forfeited their right of life; innocent unborn children have not. Likewise, pro-choicers are often accused of hypocrisy because they favor abortion rights but oppose the death penalty. But that position is easy to justify as well: the fetus is inside a woman, thus implicating bodily autonomy; criminals are not inside another person.”
Of course, recent history tells us that rational voices are most likely ignored. They don’t provide enough outrage.