JIM TREACHER: No, There’s No Racist Backlash Against Star Wars. “Lando Calrissian is the coolest MF in the galaxy. He’s been around since 1980. Forty-two years ago! Before most of the people pretending this is a problem were even born. Back then, did George Lucas or Mark Hamill feel the need to put out a statement defending Billy Dee Williams? No. The two main changes to American society since then: 1) Now there’s Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and such, and 2) Star Wars is played out. Do racists say stupid crap in 2022? Sure. A lot of them work for CNN and MSNBC, but that’s another story. But is there some sort of racist backlash against Star Wars? No. Most people wouldn’t even know about any of this if Disney hadn’t put a spotlight on it.”