ROGER SIMON: Djokovic, the Trucker? Tennis Star Sticks to His Guns as Sports Press Explodes.

The sports press—those noted “progressives” who almost uniformly praised Colin Kaepernick for “taking a knee” and did their best to ignore LeBron James’s coddling of the genocidal Chinese communists— immediately jumped all over Djokovic as if here a leper on the loose.

Said Sports Illustrated: “Novak Djokovic Is Still Making Bad Decisions.”

The Guardian chimed in: “Novak Djokovic’s propensity for self-sabotage has become a defining trait.”

Tennis World opined: “Novak Djokovic’s darkest moment.”

And, of course, our friends at The New York Times wrapped it all up for us:

“For now, Djokovic will still not get vaccinated against the coronavirus, no matter how much it costs him, as he made clear in an interview with the BBC that was broadcast on Tuesday and in which the interviewer, Amol Rajan, summed up a fair share of the global mood by abandoning journalistic sang-froid and imploring: ‘Why Novak, why, why?’

“‘Because the principles of decision-making on my body are more important than any title or anything else,’ Djokovic answered. ‘I’m trying to be in tune with my body as much as I possibly can.’

“That approach has him out of tune with his sport and his times,” the NY Times concluded.

Oh, really? Tell that to the brave Canadian truckers and their supporters who are having their bank accounts frozen by a despotic leader who arrests peaceful protesters with impunity.

But it’s a safe bet the NY Times doesn’t have much sympathy for the truckers or anyone else who doesn’t toe their line.

In other news from the world of sport: