ROBERT SPENCER: The Biden Administration’s Truly Ominous Christmas Wish List for America.

The whole controversy over the vaccines, after all, is one of credibility. Biden’s handlers insist the vaccines are safe, yet there is growing evidence that this is not completely true. CBS News reported that the CDC “issued updated recommendations preferring Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines over Johnson & Johnson’s, in light of new data about the risk of a rare blood clotting side effect linked to the Johnson & Johnson shot.” As for Pfizer, The Hill reported Sunday that “health authorities in New Zealand have said they believe a 26-year-old man’s death is connected to a side effect from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.”

Biden’s handlers also insist that the vaccines are effective, yet The San Francisco Chronicle recently reported about a COVID outbreak at a wedding at which “most if not all of the guests wore masks” and everyone was vaccinated. Meanwhile, the NFL just postponed three games because of a COVID outbreak, despite the fact that all players are required to be vaccinated.

In light of all that and much more, what the Biden administration actually needs in order to stand vindicated for its vaccine mandates and warnings is a large amount of severe illness and death among the unvaccinated this winter.

I never thought I’d look back fondly on Jimmy Carter’s malaise speech, but at least he wasn’t implicitly cheering for millions of Americans to die.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): I’d say “heh,” but this isn’t really funny.