HAS THE PENNY DROPPED FOR THE BBC? I’m not surprised by the sad facts of this matter, but I am surprised it got past the Political Correctness Team at the BBC:

“The attacker, a known supporter of Islamic State, was shot dead by police. He has now been identified as Ahamed Aathil Mohamed Samsudeen, a 32-year-old Tamil, who arrived in New Zealand in 2011 and sought refugee status […] Samsudeen had been arrested a number of times before Friday’s incident. But [Prime Minister] Ardern said that every legal avenue to keep him out of the community had been exhausted.”

Of course, the sway that the Pallywood Crowd holds over the UK press and elite is legendary. It was only a few years ago that the English village of Rotherham was exposed as a hotbed of misogyny of the worst kind, when Pakistani-born gangs of men abducted and raped more than 1,200 girls. Local government and much of the media were in full-blown politically correct denial that the gangs were almost all Pakistani Muslims. Criminologist Graham Hill wrote in 2020 that:

“The South Yorkshire police were scared to take action against a group of Asian men who were sexually abusing a young girl for fear of triggering unrest in the Asian community and being branded racist.”

Most of the UK press used the euphemism “asian” to describe them. And as we would later see here in the States this same dynamic works to the perpetrators’ advantage. Hill pointed out that:

“In 2011 Jack Straw, the former home secretary, suggested there was a cultural element to the then new phenomenon of “grooming gangs” and suggesting some men of Pakistani origin see white girls as “easy meat”. The former Blackburn Labour MP spoke out after two Asian men who abused girls in Derby were given indeterminate jail terms. At the time, he was quickly shouted down and labelled a racist.” (Emphasis added).

This is highly relevant today, as we watch the Taliban drag Afghanistan back into the 11th Century. The “Squad” continues to use this political correctness as a shield and sword when confronted on issues large and small. The question is whether House Democrats will finally start to distance themselves from knee-jerk bleating about “racism” and “islamophobia.” Every time the Taliban continue to further subjugate women, people ought to demand that the Democrats — including AOC, Tlaib, Omar and if he is coherent that day, the President– address the issue.
I’m not betting on much of a response.