QUESTION ASKED: Does This Make Any Sense to You? Me Neither.
“The Queen and the late Prince Philip had been in a bubble with some members of their household for the last year and so the monarch was not eligible to join a support bubble with other members of her family,” CNN helpfully explains.
[Aside: She’s the queen. She doesn’t need permission nor “eligibility” to do anything. In earlier times the British sovereign would have had such contumacious subjects beheaded]
So the 94-year-old monarch bid farewell to her beloved husband of 73 years masked and alone in a church pew— without the reassuring squeeze of a hand or an encouraging word from a family member whispered into her ear.
But why? The queen has been fully vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. If these vaccines are as effective as we’re told they are, why on earth would she need to wear a mask, let alone social distance from family members?
Because politicians, pundits and ‘experts’ don’t want COVID to end.