BLEG–ACADEMIC LITERATURE EXPLAINING ASIAN SUCCESS: Several years ago, I posted something, I think on Facebook, asking how Critical Race Theorists and Intersectionalists who believe that white supremacy reigns supreme and largely dictates the fortunes of other groups explain the relative socioeconomic success of Asian Americans. One correspondent responded that some of them argue that whites “allow” Asians to succeed because that way they can justify their oppression of brown and black people by pointing to Asian success as refuting white supremacy. I expressed skepticism that anyone who was an actual academic would publish such an absurd conspiracy theory. My correspondent replied with links to two or three articles in academic journals promoting exactly that theory. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find that Facebook post in my archives, nor did a request on FB turn up anything. But I’m sure that this exchange occurred, and I read the articles arguing that Asians succeed because whites “let” them. So my bleg to Instapundit readers is that if any of you are familiar with any such articles, to please send me links, either in the comments or to my email.