DEEP THROAT HAS LEFT THE PARKING GARAGE: RIP Hal Holbrook, famed Mark Twain and Deep Throat actor, dead at 95.

All the President’s Men is a great movie, but it is a movie, not a history lesson:

Mark Steyn’s article on Mark Felt, the real “Deep Throat.”

“‘Deep Throat’ never advised [Bob] Woodward to ‘follow the money.’”

Woodward’s latest Trump book prompts myth-telling about Watergate. “‘[T]o explain Watergate through the lens of the heroic journalist,’ I wrote, ‘is to abridge and misunderstand the scandal and to indulge in a particularly beguiling media-driven myth’ — one that even Woodward has disputed. He told an interviewer in 2004: ‘To say that the press brought down Nixon, that’s horseshit.’”

● “The sale of the Woodward-Bernstein papers to the University of Texas in 2003, and the 2005 death of Mark Felt, the former FBI official whom Woodward has identified as Deep Throat, have led researchers to ever larger doubts about the accuracy of Woodward’s reporting on Watergate, and particularly his account of his relationship with his much-heralded, and often inaccurate, Watergate source.”