WE’VE DESCENDED INTO SOME SORT OF BIZARRE HELL-WORLD IN WHICH MATTHEW YGLESIAS IS A VOICE OF SANITY: Expert to NYT: We could “level the playing field” by vaccinating essential workers before seniors since seniors are “whiter.”
Second, Matt Yglesias is right that deprioritizing senior citizens will backfire on race-minded wokesters by delaying the vaccine for a group that needs it urgently:
If you believe that Black Lives Matter, logically you should worry about the black lives that are most at risk. Those are indeed black senior citizens, as Yglesias says. It’s idiotic to want a 35-year-old white cashier to get the vaccine before a 75-year-old African-American grandmother because there’s a higher percentage of African-Americans in the “essential worker” group than there is among senior citizens. Get the vaccine to the people who need it most urgently. Contorted racialized arguments for doing otherwise reeks of virtue-signaling.
Read the whole thing.