MICHAEL WALSH: The Preservation of America’s Republic Hangs in the Balance.

The death of Americans’ pride in their country, in its cultural, political, and scientific achievements, and in its moral goodness, has been based on a deliberate, malignant Marxist lie that has been uncoiling here for a century, beginning with the penetration of the America media and parts of the government up through World War II, the transplantation of the Frankfurt School communists such as Herbert Marcuse and their doctrine of “critical theory” to American academe in the postwar period, continuing through the Soviet destabilization of the civil-rights movement in the 1960s—and culminating in the socialists’ seizure of the Democratic Party.

And now here we are, just a few hundred yards from our own Rubicon. Will the winner of the 2020 election be the savior of the Republic, or its destroyer? Washington, like ancient Rome, nervously awaits.

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